SP has a BA in Liberal Arts from Bennington College and an MFA in Playwriting from the Iowa Playwrights Workshop. He currently resides in Providence, Rhode Island, where he works as a Standardized Patient at Brown University's Warren Alpert Medical School. He was a 2016 Core Apprentice at the Playwrights' Center in Minneapolis, a 2016 Best of Fringe Winner in the FringeNYC, a 2017 Honorable Mention for the Relentless Award, and was a 2021 Semi-Finalist for the Seven Devils Playwrights Conference. His short play SUCKERS is published by Concord Theatricals in their Theater Masters’ Take Ten Volume 5 anthology. As a recipient of Theater Masters' 2021 Visionary Playwright Award, he's currently working on a commission for them due in March 2022.